Week in Review
The Board Briefing
Black woman wearing a gray sweatshirt going through the lunch line with her daughter who is wearing a red sweatshirt.
A North Buncombe High graduate shakes hands with BCS Superintendent Dr. Rob Jackson on the stage.
bcsf graphic
Special Announcement.
Special Announcement
BCS Special Announcement Graphic
Special Announcement
closeup shot of student typing on a laptop
Hurricane Helene Emergency Resources
How to help
A BCEC graduate dressed in his cap and gown holding a diploma shakes Dr. Jackson's hand
BCS Special Announcement Graphic
Close up of the Edulog app open on a phone being held by someone standing in front of bus 633.
Dr. Jackson addressing the crowd of BCS teammates gathered for Convocation
Girl in graduation robe
Foundation Board Members
Top Scholar Medals on stage
Social Media Town Hall